Results of the IPCC (Intermediate) exams were declared on 31st Jan. They brought lot of cheer to the GMA family. Fifteen of our students passed the crucial Group 1.
They are now eligible for joining articleship. It will quite a task for us to fix articleship for all these 15 students at the same time in firms suitable to them; no doubt it is a very pleasant responsibility. One helpful factor is that quite a few firms including the Big 4 keep asking us for students; having known the performance of students from earlier batches. GMA students are perceived to be well mannered, well disciplined, and carry themselves with great diligence.
The second group of IPCC consists of three papers and our students should not have much difficulty to prepare along with their articleship.
Quite a few students are enamoured to join the Big 4 audit firms. Many students of our early batches too joined these firms. But they now realize that the work pressure and travel schedules in such firms are tiring, leaving no time or energy for studies. Those who went to smaller firms not only got to do a variety of assignments but could also find time to attend classes for Final and had time to study. Quality professional training and continuous studies are both essential to make a good Chartered Accountant.Our students are now more keen to join mid-sizes firms having good work ethics and a range of jobs with less work pressure.
Articleship is a combination of being a student as well as an office goer but has the advantage of neither. It is a high pressure period and parents should support their wards in navigating it successfully without building up stress.
Good luck to all those taking up articles – remember that GMA family is there always to support you.
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